Video 11: Performing tests and analyzing results

This video explains the procedure to follow before starting a test with CbaWin, and how to run a test, save, analyze and export the test results along with the various reports.
The video also explains how to perform a displacement test with a ZLR kit and a ZMS kit.
Time: 11mn 43s
Topic: CBA-32P measuring instrument from Zensol


Hello and welcome to this course. We’ll take a look at ZenSol’s measuring instrument, the CBA32P. by ZenSol Automation in collaboration with Hydro-Québec.

At the end of this module, the participant will be able to use the CBA32P circuit-breaker performance analyzer. Lesson 4 Test execution and results analysis What information should I check before starting a test with CBAWin? How do I check communication between the CBA32P and CBAWin? How do I run a cable test with CBAWin? How do I run a test with CBAWin? How do I save a test with CBAWin? How do I analyze signals with CBAWin? How do you scale in X, Y, or examine the value of a signal with CBAWin? How do I display tabular reports? How do I export to Excel with CBAWin? How to test displacement with a ZLR mechanical kit? How to test displacement with a ZMS mechanical kit? What information should I check before starting a test with CBAWin? In the worksite, the focus is on the blue buttons, which must be used in the order in which they are presented, i.e. from left to right. The first blue button lets CBAWin know the identity of the CBA32P you have connected to your computer. CBAWin thus recovers the serial number, year of manufacture and specific characteristics of the product. If nothing is displayed, this means you have a first-generation CBA32P, and we recommend that you update its firmware. The serial number and test time are automatically displayed at the bottom of your graphical screen. For example, this information will let you know that the same circuit-breaker has been tested with two different CBA32Ps. This makes the traceability required by ISO 9001 much easier to apply. By clicking on the Start button, check that the CBA32P information is correctly inserted in the boxes. The notes section gives you some relevant information about your CBA32P, for example, if the test plan is compatible with the instrument, or if the instrument has the 0 to 1 Amp range. The 1A range is a great addition to your CBA32P, especially for new circuit breakers which draw very little current from the closing or opening coils. Above all, check that there are no incompatibility warnings. In this example, we know that the test plan is compatible with the CBA32P used, that it has the 0 to 1 Amp range and that optical inputs 89, 90 and 91 are active. How to check communication between the CBA32P and the computer? Click on the second blue button to check the stability of communication between the CBAWin software and the CBA32P device. In the bottom left-hand corner, you’ll see the short communication tests. You must obtain 100%. If this is not the case, go to Appendix 2 of the installation guide, entitled “Communication tests”, where you’ll find recommended points to check. How do I run a cable test with CBAWin? We move on to the third blue button, “Cable and circuit-breaker test”. This function is very useful for pre-test checks, as it allows you to find out the status of circuit breakers remotely. It is also used to close or open circuit breakers. This function is also very useful for detecting faulty or incorrectly installed cables. Finally, it is used to determine the absolute position of analog displacement transducers. Click on “Refresh”. The left-hand side shows the status of cables and contacts. If it’s green, it’s open. If it’s red, it’s closed. If grey, the signal has not been activated in the test plan. The middle section checks analog inputs and connected resistive sensors. If it’s white, the input is active. If it’s gray, it’s inactive. Ideally, resistive sensors should be around 50%, to prevent them from dropping to zero. In this case, the analog inputs are greyed out and not activated. The right-hand section shows the status of the optical encoders. Here too, white is active, grey is inactive. In this example, only the first three optical encoder inputs are active. If, for example, you want to do a close test, but your contacts are red, this means they are already closed. You must therefore open them before running your closing test. You can do this by clicking on the “Open” button. The software will send an opening command without taking any measurements. After clicking on “Refresh”, the contacts should appear in green in this window. If the condition of the contacts is abnormal, check that the clamps are correctly installed on the contacts and that they are clean, to ensure good adhesion. If this persists, change the input cable and see if the color changes channel. If so, your cable may have a problem. How do I run a test with CBA Win? Once everything is correct, click on the blue running man icon to run the test. You will be asked if you really want to run the test. Click “Yes” if this is the case. To move on to the next test, click on the blue arrow. Then, back to the running man to launch the next test. And so on. How do I save a test with CBA Win? Once you’ve completed your test sequence, save your work. Click on the floppy disk icon. In a situation where you see something special on the curves, record it. CBA Win may transfer your data to your technical support team, who will better understand the situation and know how to help you. How do I analyze signals with CBA Win? Here’s an example of data from the kso.wdt file in the CBA Win example directory. The graphical page previously configured in the test plan shows from bottom to top the closing coil current indicated by its software number 1. No signal for the opening current in number 2 because, as the title indicates, this is a closing test. Next, the displacement stroke according to number 3, then the virtual signal speed indicated by its software number 9, as seen previously. Then the three-phase contacts. Phase A is connected to 17, phase B to 19 and phase C to 21. Note here that the user has used three separate contact cables, and in each cable he has used only the yellow clamp. Calculations for the various signals are shown on the right. How do I scale in X, Y or examine the value of a signal with CBA Win? As mentioned above, the red buttons are used to analyze the various signals. To zoom in on the curves, use Horizontal and vertical oak expansion. To zoom in on the calculations on the right, use the Lou icon. This slide shows the travel of a KSO indijonctor displacement signal, amplifying X and Y. Per test, you can have up to ten different graphic presentations. CBA Win calls them pages. Use the red arrows to move from one page to the next, and thus from one graphic presentation to another. This is particularly useful for 24-contact dijonctors in the 735 kV range, to facilitate phase analysis. For example, in Hydro-Québec’s standardized drawings, page 1 shows all signals, page 2 phase A, page 3 phase B, page 4 phase C, page 5 displacements, page 6 speeds. The beauty of these universal test plans is that the pages are already pre-configured in the test plans, giving the operator the ideal graphic layout. How do I display tabular reports? To export as a tabular report, click on the large T icon. How do I export to Excel with CBA Win? Once you’ve saved your data as a .wdt file, you can export it in Excel format. Just click on the large red X and they will appear in an Excel table. How to test displacement with a ZLR mechanical kit? The ZLR kit can be used to check contact displacement for a linear mechanism. This kit is marketed by ZenSol. It is used with a rotary transducer, either analog or oroptic code, depending on the test plan chosen. It is very useful when space is limited for the large linear resistive sensors of the ZLR kit. The ZLR kit is secured by clamps. The mechanism’s shaft turns the ZLR’s wheels, producing a rotary motion measured by the rotary encoder on the other side of the wheels. Here’s an example obtained on a GL315 circuit-breaker B contact. To see the speed associated with the move, go to page C using the red arrows. The speed is shown at the top, followed by the displacement curve, then the contact closure time. How to test displacement with a ZMS mechanical kit? For a rotating mechanism, ZenSol’s ZMS kit is highly flexible and can be adapted to a wide range of situations. Fix the clamp on the circuit-breaker, aim at the black arm which brings the rotary encoder into axis with the circuit-breaker mechanism. The ZMS kit is a universal kit that includes a variety of bolts to fit different circuit-breakers, such as HPLs. It is used either with a resistive rotary encoder, which connects to the analog inputs, or with an oroptic encoder, which connects to the oroptic code inputs. Here’s an example of what you get on a phase A contact of a rotary circuit breaker. To see all measurements related to contact 1 and its speed, go to page 5 using the red arrows. The speed is shown at the top, followed by the displacement curve, then the contact 1 closing time. Question, Lesson 4 How can I easily check that a cable is not defective using CBAWin ? A, the blue man. B, the test link. C, the cable test. The answer is, C, cable test.