History, Philosophy and Mission Statement
Founded in June 1990, Zensol Automation Inc. is, in the beginning, strictly devoted to research and development of solutions for the electrical energy industry. Since then, under the leadership of its president, Fouad Brikci, Ph.D., and in cooperation with the leaders of the industry, such as Hydro-Québec, ALSTOM, etc., the company has developed several products, particularly for circuit breakers, reclosers and transformers from the lowest to the highest voltage (800 kV), including:
- The CBA-32P, a software-driven circuit breaker analyzer.
- The SIM-CB6, a circuit breaker simulator integrating an actuator reproducing the actual displacement of any type of breaker.
- The GEN, a software-driven recloser analyzer.
- The CBV-X, a Circuit Breaker Vibration Analyzer.
- The TAP-4, an On-Load Tap Changer analyzer.
We still support all the previous versions of our products (hardware as well as software): thus, we can insure their maintenance, even for an old product.
Zensol still offers R&D services, in addition to breaker testing on its products and also training in its products.
Customers service – Zensol offers support to their customers thanks to the section You are a customer in each product’s pages, including diagnostic tools, application notes, etc. An on-line assistance is available for all their customers, coming from anywhere in the world. We also guarantee an answer in less than 48 hours for any problem. Furthermore we work in collaboration with our local agents who are qualified and trained by us to help with the technical support. Our strength is our network: we are working with qualified and motivated people. Thanks to this network of “human beings”, we can be as efficient as, if not more efficient than, big corporations!
Plus, we offer free support to create test plans, tabular reports and field testing. A one-day training is also included with the instrument.
Zensol’s customers, including Hydro-Québec, ABB, CFE, ALSTOM, and AMEREN are located in more than 40 countries worldwide.
Since June 1999, Zensol is certified ISO 9001.
Currently, Zensol is certified ISO 9001 :2015.
Zensol’s name is from Zen, the philosophy of “doing better” and from sol, for solution; the philosophy of Zensol is to create continuously innovative and performing solutions for the electrical industry.
All our instruments are developed with the same principle: they are controlled by our software running in portable computers.
By this, we mean: “do not look for a liquid crystal screen on our instruments, or an integrated keyboard, or even an integrated printer. You will not find any. Instead, you may use the most powerful computers, the most accurate printers, the fastest modems, etc., to process and analyze instantly, in the field, all the results of your timing measurements.”
Our solution takes advantage of the very rapid advance of worldwide technology by integrating the biggest names in the industry, such as Microsoft, Compaq, etc.
We have been working under this principle for more than 10 years now, and we are the first to have introduced it into very noisy environments such as high-voltage stations at 800 kV. You can believe us when we state that our software, CBA Win©, is the most powerful on the market at the moment and that they integrate all the needs and demands of circuit breaker specialists.